Friday, November 26, 2010

Most Viewed Pets & Animals Video Of The Week (4) Nov 2010

By: shane
Category: Pets & Animals

Most Viewed People & Blogs Video Of The Week (4) Nov 2010

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
By: AlphabetPhotography
Category: People & Blogs

Video details: - On Nov.13 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a big surprise while enjoying their lunch. Over 100 participants in this awesome Christmas Flash Mob. This is a must see!

This flash mob was organized by to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Special thanks to Robert Cooper and Chorus Niagara, The Welland Seaway Mall, and Fagan Media Group.

Most Viewed Nonprofits & Activism Video Of The Week (4) Nov 2010

By: o0stonedagain0o
Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Video details:

I was approached by a man in slacks and a sport coat. He was accompanied by the officer that had escorted me to the ticketing area and Mr. Silva. He informed me that I could not leave the airport. He said that once I start the screening in the secure area, I could not leave until it was completed. Having left the area, he stated, I would be subject to a civil suit and a $10,000 fine. I asked him if he was also going to fine the 6 TSA agents and the local police officer who escorted me from the secure area. After all, I did exactly what I was told. He said that they didn't know the rules, and that he would deal with them later. They would not be subject to civil penalties. I then pointed to Mr. Silva and asked if he would be subject to any penalties. He is the agents' supervisor, and he directed them to escort me out. The man informed me that Mr. Silva was new and he would not be subject to penalties, either. He again asserted the necessity that I return to the screening area. When I asked why, he explained that I may have an incendiary device and whether or not that was true needed to be determined. I told him that I would submit to a walk through the metal detector, but that was it; I would not be groped. He told me that their procedures are on their website, and therefore, I was fully informed before I entered the airport; I had implicitly agreed to whatever screening they deemed appropriate. I told him that San Diego was not listed on the TSA's website as an airport using Advanced Imaging Technology, and I believed that I would only be subject to the metal detector. He replied that he was not a webmaster, and I asked then why he was referring me to the TSA's website if he didn't know anything about it. I again refused to re-enter the screening area.

The man asked me to stay put while he walked off to confer with the officer and Mr. Silva. They went about 20 feet away and began talking amongst themselves while I waited. I couldn't over hear anything, but I got the impression that the police officer was recounting his version of the events that had transpired in the screening area (my initial refusal to be patted down). After a few minutes, I asked loudly across the distance if I was free to leave. The man dismissively held up a finger and said, "hold on". I waited. After another minute or so, he returned and asked for my name. I asked why he needed it, and reminded him that the female supervisor/agent had already taken a report. He said that he was trying to be friendly and help me out. I asked to what end. He reminded me that I could be sued civilly and face a $10,000 fine and that my cooperation could help mitigate the penalties I was facing. I replied that he already had my information in the report that was taken and I asked if I was free to leave. I reminded him that he was now illegally detaining me and that I would not be subject to screening as a condition of leaving the airport. He told me that he was only trying to help (I should note that his demeanor never suggested that he was trying to help. I was clearly being interrogated.), and that no one was forcing me to stay. I asked if tried to leave if he would have the officer arrest me. He again said that no one was forcing me to stay. I looked him in the eye, and said, "then I'm leaving". He replied, "then we'll bring a civil suit against you", to which I said, "you bring that suit" and walked out of the airport.

Most Viewed News & Politics Video Of The Week (4) Nov 2010

Mata a mãe e xinga a imprensa
By: alvaroborba
Category: News & Politics

Video details:
Veja também "Mata a mãe e vira meme":

Emílio, 32 anos, foi preso em Cerro Azul, no Paraná. Ele diz que assassinou a mãe a facadas porque ela estaria usando seus cartões de crédito sem autorização. De acordo com a família, Emílio é viciado em crack e cocaína e tem um histórico de problemas mentais. Mais informações sobre o caso nessa reportagem:

Material bruto retirado dos arquivos do programa Boa Tarde Paraná.

NOTA-1 Algumas pessoas questionaram a veracidade do vídeo na caixa de comentários. Ele é absolutamente real.

NOTA-2 Ao contrário de alguns de vocês, eu não achei tão engraçado. É macabro demais. Tenham respeito, crianças.

NOTA-3 Os cineastas do You Tube fizeram dezenas de reedições desse vídeo. Algumas montagens tentam fazer humor, outras são pura apologia religiosa. Infelizmente, nenhuma tenta promover um bom debate sobre saúde mental.

NOTA-4 É, eu sou um chato.
